There are numerous peer-reviewed, scientific studies showing that the average licensed psychologist—no matter how “qualified” or “credentialed” they might appear to be on paper—fails to get results any better than the average student or unlicensed non-professional.
Most alarmingly, some of these studies suggest that sometimes, they get WORSE results.
It’s hard to believe, but unfortunately the findings are robust.
Dr. Scott Miller, who heads The International Centre for Clinical Excellence (and is one of the world’s leading experts in this area) sums up the research perfectly:
“What’s the difference between a trained therapist and a compassionate friend? Look at outcomes and you are likely to be disappointed. For example, meta-analyses of studies comparing professionals to paraprofessionals (or students) either find that the latter group achieve significantly better results or, at worst, the same!”
If you’ve seen several therapists, you don’t need yet another “compassionate friend”…
You need RESULTS.
As Albert Einstein said, “Insanity (is) doing the same thing over and over again, expecting different results” — so don’t expect me to follow the standard model everyone else does.
TRULY caring for you is about helping you become panic free.
- It’s NOT about me having to patiently listen to the same old stories you’ve told everyone else, for hours on end (even though stories might be keeping you stuck).
- It’s NOT about us discussing things on a logical, superficial level. (If you’ve watched “Panic Free TV” then you already know that real change comes from real, lasting, tangible EMOTIONAL shifts. There is little, if any, good scientific evidence that logically debating thoughts, or seeking “insight”, do much of value in therapy.)
- And it’s definitely NOT about us digging around in your “past” looking for “reasons” or “causes” (which almost always leads people down some very unhelpful and inaccurate rabbit holes).
What we WILL do together will depend on your unique situation, because world-class results never come from following a one-size-fits-all protocol.
This is why, again, it’s so important you FIRST go through all my online material.
My videos will give you a far better idea of who I am, how I work and what I can do for YOU… than anything I write here ever could.
If you still feel you need my one-on-one help, even after going through everything I’ve put online, then please get in touch. I’d love to talk to you.
Your investment for becoming panic-free is $2,000 USD (paid-on-results of course.)
*You obviously also need to cover any travel and accommodation costs you may have (which are non-refundable).