“The Panic Paradox” PDF goes into even more detail about everything we've covered in this episode.
Many people get even more value from this PDF than from the video — so please download it and benefit right now.
Download Your Episode #3 Fact Sheets Now
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As you’ve discovered in this series, panic attacks (and what's typically labeled as ‘panic disorder’) are very common.
Unfortunately, good help for panic is very hard to find.
Since I can't reach everyone on my own, and since we both share the same belief that we don’t want anyone to suffer in silence… if you benefit from what I’m doing here in this series, please tell others about it.
Thank you so much for helping me make a difference!
If you met someone else who experienced panic attacks and you only had 30 seconds to share ONE ESSENTIAL insight from this episode with them... what would you tell them?
Share your answer below to reinforce your long-term memory for this key insight AND to share your perspective with others (who will also share their perspectives with you).
Also, if you have any other comments for me, I'd love to hear them too.
P.S. Your email address will NOT be visible to others when you share your insight in the comments section below. Also, if you're more comfortable using just your first name, that's totally fine as well.
Dear Dr. Norman: I have tried deep breathe exercise very hard, but it seems useless. Your ideas in episode 3 enable me to understand more and have a much Better vision about Panic disorder . I am looking forward the episode 4! Thank you very much, your work save million people! Jun
Wow what amezing way you speak and calm my ears and I understand every single word easily thank you very much for helping me with my anxiety
How to be counterintuitive if the panic happens when I’m all alone. Do I stay alone and beg the attack to happen? Thank you!
The messages from episode 3 are really resonating with me now. The notion of needing to feel safe , secure and calm in situations which have previously triggered panic alarms is powerful and I have been working towards this and starting to get positive reactions. My issue at present is whether I am using thought suppression in logical , internal debate to help me feel secure. However I think I’m getting the seed on my head that maybe panic doesn’t work how I thought it did ! Thank you Micheal,
Hi Michael, I’ve always been a “worrier” to the point it ruined my career! I seem to have an insight into what will happen or what will go wrong, I then get very depressed and panicky, to the point it takes over my life and leaves me feeling helpless. Beginning to feel I’ll never be free of this curse.
Thanks again for episode 3 .. I love u boss.. yr voice is also very calming .. thanks for making my life easier..
are you sure that this technique will work? i know that this will work but also quite anxious about it. Thank you.😇
Michael thank you for this episode!!
I finally smiled while listening to you describe the counterintuitive approach! I’ve never thought about trying the opposite of what I have been doing.
Finally something else to try.
I can’t wait for episode 4.
I feel hopeful for the first time. The seed has been planted!
Hi Michael, I think you are absolutely true, I have been suffering from anxiety and panic attacks for more than 6 months and tried to fight back, but nothing changed. Now every time that I feel a panic attack is going to start, I simply hug it and strongly believe that it is harmless, the result is amazing! many thanks 🙂